Petite ratatouille

This stripped-down ratatouille delivers the welcome clarity of simple food lovingly cooked over slow heat, for their natural juices coax the vegetables into another dimension. The olives deliver heart-healthy compounds and, said author Lawrence Durrell, "a taste older than wine; a taste as old as cold water." Try this dish both warm and cold for two quite different taste sensations.

Serves 4

3 medium zucchini, about 1 1/4 pounds
12 ounces small cherry tomatoes: use a mixture of red and yellow if possible
16 kalamata olives, about 3 ounces

    1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
    2. Wash zucchini and trim ends. Cut in half lengthwise. Cut into 1/2-inch-thick half circles. Place in a large bowl.
    3. Wash cherry tomatoes and cut in half. Add to bowl. Add olives, pitting them if you wish, and mix thoroughly.
    4. Pour 1/4 cup cold water over vegetables. Add a large pinch of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Mix again.
    5. Place in a shallow 9-by-11-inch casserole. Bake for 2 hours, stirring every 30 minutes.
    6. Transfer, with any juices, to a serving bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste. Let cool. Serve at room temperature or serve cold.

Recipe by Rozanne Gold. Healthy 1-2-3

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