Cancer's sweet tooth. It has been long known in the scientific community that cancers feed on glucose.A recent Lancet article provides further theoretical support for the benefits of the Salad and Salmon Diet.

Low fat vs. low carb diet plans. Effects of variation in protein and carbohydrate in take on body mass and composition.

Benefits of the salad and salmon diet. Explore the scientific rationale behind the Diet, and review the increasing scientific evidence supporting it.

New Menus and Recipes Get specific recipes for healthy Salad and Salmon breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.

Implementing the diet. Download a copy of the Salad and Salmon Diet, obtain tips on how to tailor it to your needs.

Other diets we use. Learn about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, the Paleolithic Diet, the Gluten-free Diet, and specific diets for various health conditions.