Other diets we use.

Adrenal exhaustion

For those with a specific type of fatigue associated with adrenal stress. This diet attempts to reduce adrenal stress by supplying specific vitamins, minerals and herbs and combining appropriate "low-stress" foods to balance blood sugar, which in turn reduces cortisol and adrenalin demands.


This diet plan addresses the many factors associated with asthma, from identifying food allergies to using specific foods that deliver beneficial fatty acids and magnesium.

Atherosclerosis prevention program

For those who need to prevent cardiovascular disease, this diet program takes as its point of departure the Salad and Salmon Diet, but is tailored to the individual's objective data (lab results). Heart-healthy foods such as those with low glycemic indices and those rich in polyphenols and omega-3 fatty acids are highlighted. This program is often supported with Chelation Therapy.

Attention deficit and hyperactivity

Attention deficit and hyperactivity, this program for is designed for children and adults with emphasis on removing precipitants like certain dietary proteins (gluten and casein). Lab tests are utilized to confirm intolerance to these and other foods that may contribute to this condition. Sugar, caffeine and preservatives are minimized, and nutritious foods are substituted to stabilize blood sugar.


A program similar to the ADHD program above, and includes custom supplementation prescribed in liquid form in the favorite flavor of the patient. A deeper focus on artificial flavors and colors, and the possibility of heavy metal toxicity and dysbiosis (bacterial or yeast dominant) is explored.

Autoimmune ailments

A program tailored to individual autoimmune diseases that addresses individual allergies and incorporates principlesof Paleolithic nutrition. Nutraceuticals are recommended that may help balance the immune response.

Bipolar disorder and depression

A program geared to ameliorating depressive disorders, with a focus on balancing essential fatty acids and the enzymes that promote their conversion and utilization. Food allergies, blood sugar control, subclinical vitamin D deficencies, neurotransmitter balance, and exercise are among the issues addressed.

BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)

A program that addresses this common prostate condition by identifying and eliminating the foods that increase inflammation and symptoms.

Bone health

A program that addresses osteopenia and osteoporosis, by identifying the factors that impact bone metabolism, which include vitamin D status, intracellular magnesium and calcium, vitamin and mineral status, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, thyroid status and inflmmation. In patients with dairy intolerance, all hidden forms of dairy in the human diet are revealed in detail, and non-dairy alternative calcium sources presented.


A program individualized for cancer patients, based on the type of cancer therapy that the cancer patient is receiving as per their oncologist. Up-to-date research is applied with regard to which supplements enhance and hinder chemotherapy and radiation.

Cervical dysplasia

A program that addresses HPV and herpes-related cervical dysplasia, with emphasis on folate (prescription strength), antioxidant, and di-indole menthane (DIM)supplementation. .


A program that enhances peristalsis and addresses the various reasons for constipation, such as food intolerance or dysbiosis.

Detoxification program

A program that addresses toxic exposure, and promotes cellular rejuvenation via support of the body's natural detoxification systems.

Down’s syndrome

A program that addresses this congenital condition, focusing on amino acid therapy, folate metabolism and identification of food intolerances common to this condition.

Dysphagia diet

A phased program that assists those with swallowing disorders. This 4 step program helps individuals slowly adjust to improving the mechanics involved with re-learning how to swallow.

Eating disorder

A program that, together with appropriate psychiatric care, addresses common eating disorders, examining food allergies, nutrient deficiencies, and neurotransmitter imbalances.


A program to address the most common cause of pelvic pain in women, focusing on foods and macronutrient ratios that help balance hormones.

Energy therapy (chronic fatigue)

A program to address the multiple causes of fatigue, examining the possibility of candida overgrowth, food intolerances, mitochondial support, blood sugar issues, neurotransmitter imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies (particularly focusing on intracellular magnesium status).


A program to address the complexities of this pain/fatigue syndrome, begins with an analysis of vitamin D status, and other nutrient deficiencies and determines the best foods for the individual.

Cholelithiasis -- for those with gallstones.

For those with gallstones, a fat control and allergy elimination program is implemented.

GERD meal plan

For those that suffer from heartburn, all foods and additives that promote GERD are eliminated at the first visit while allergy testing and other lab results are pending. The results of those tests refine and individualize the program.

Gluten free meal plan.

For those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten intoleranceemphasis is placed on careful removal of every food component that contains gluten.

Gastrointestinal health

(Irritable Bowel, Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcers and Other igestive Problems) -- based on the specific carbohydrate diet, updated with the latest research to nutritionally manage inflammatory bowel disease.


Focussing on elimination of dietary proteins and optimizing insulin metabolism, a moderate protein dairy-rich diet is used to reduce uric acid production.

Grave’s disease

A program to support patients recovering from the autoimmune condition of hyperthyroidism, especially its sequelae which are energy depletion, and, after rectification by conventional medical therapy, weight gain.

Hepatitis C

A program to support liver health due to Hepatitis C. Diet modification is initiated to reduce liver stress, and immune supporting and detoxifying nutrients and herbs are administered. .

Anti-herpes diet

A program that balances dietary amino acids to reduce herpes outbreaks, taking into account food allergies and dietary lysine to arginine ratios.


A program to support the unique nutritional requirements of patients with HIV. Immune suport is provided and special consideration is given to counteracting the effects of multiple medications which have toxic side effects and act as metabolic disrupters.


A program to address high blood pressure, a condition often intertwined with insulin resistance and nutrient deficiencies. Blood sugar and DASH (dietary approaches to stop hypertension) diet protocols are implemented.


A program to target the often multiple causes of irritable bowel syndrome with diet modification, probiotics and nutrient/herb support.


A program to address the various causes of inflammation, the root cause of many musculoskeletal disorders, auto-immune conditions, heart disease, and even cancer. Essential fatty acid imbalance and free radical pathology are targeted .

Immune enhancing program

A program to address a low immune state (for those chronically ill, or with blood tests revealing low immune markers) .

Kidney stones diet

A program designed to reduce the incidence of kidney stone formation, individualized for the various stone types.

Lacto-ovo vegetarian

A program to support those on a meat-restricted diet.

Liver support for fatty liver, toxic exposure, and elevated liver enzymes

A program to optimize liver health

Low glycemic index vegetarian

A vegetarian version of the low glycemic index diet.

Low glycemic with meat

The omnivorous version of the low glycemic index diet.

Low-iodine diet

A program for those that are iodine sensitive. Iodine is sometimes a precipitant of allergic reactions and acne.

Low histamine diet

A program for histamine sensitive individuals, especially useful for patients with chronic hives, skin itching, or congestion.

Low residue diet

A post op, pre-op program for certain gastrointestinal conditions that require limitation of bulk or fiber.

Low tyramine diet (MAO Diet)

A program for those on MAO inhibitors, a certain type of psychiatric medication.

McArdle’s disease nutritional plan

A program for those with this genetic disease


Migraine prevention program

A program to address chronic migraines with such nutrients as magnesium, riboflavin and herbs like feverfew. Many foods act as migraine triggers.

Multiple sclerosis

A program to nutritionally address this demyelinating disease with supplements that attenuate the autoimmune process and support energy production in the brain.

MVP - heart support

A program for those with mitral valve prolapse, emphasizing hydration and electrolyte support for prevention of hypotension, and magnesium and CoQ10 administration for regularization of heart function.

Neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s, ALS, Alzheimer’s)

Nutritional programs geared to specific neurological diseases with a view toward discovery of critical vitamin deficiencies such as B12 and folate, and administration of nutrients that enhance brain metabolism.

Paleolithic nutrition program

For those with autoimmune diseases or with multiple food allergies.

Periodontal disease

A program to address the nutritional requirements of those with this common gum disease, which commonly reflects systemic dietary inadequacies.

Pregnancy support

A program for the expecting mother, or for planning parents. Pre-conceptual planning insures that the proper nutrients are in place for optimal fetal development and brain potentiation, and that levels of environmental toxins like mercury and PCB's are minimized. Nutritional measures can be undertaken to minimize the potential for children of allergic parents to develop asthma, eczema or other disorders.

Premenstrual syndrome

A nutritional program to combat symptoms of PMS by focussing on prostaglandin and blood sugar balance and attenuation of estrogen dominance.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

A program to address the unique nutritional needs of the PCOS patient, now understood to be intimately tied to insulin dysregulation, and vitamin D metabolism.

Rotation diet

A nutritional program for those with multiple food allergies/leaky gut syndrome. The diet enables those with multiple food sensitivities to gradually reintroduce reactive foods and maintain a balanced diet.

Salicylate free diet

A program for those with salicylate sensitivity that may contribute to asthma, sinusitis and other disorders.

Specific allergy

A program that identifies and eliminates specific allergies from the patient's diet. Many patients are surprised to find that not just sneezing, wheezing and itching may be caused by the wrong foods--the allergic spectrum includes digestive disorders, aches and pains, "brain-fog", fatigue, and even serious auto-immune and neurological diseases.

Surgery and nutrition

A program to help the patient prepare for and recover from surgery. Special attention is given to eliminating supplements that interfere with surgery and applying only those which facilitate the healing process.

Thyroid support

A program for the hypothyroid patient, focusing on metabolic support and the removal of thyroid-inhibiting foods from the diet.

Very low carbohydrate diet

A nutritional program for those with carbohydrate sensitivity, adapting and refining the successful model pioneered by Dr. Atkins.

Weight gain program

A program for those patients suffering from persistent underweight that involves strategic application of healthy calorie sources and anabolic nutrients.

Yeast overgrowth

A program to address those with chronic candidiasis (yeast infections),emphasizing avoidance of sugars and foods that cross-react with yeast to produce allergic reactions.


Leyla's blog: Nutrition news you can use

Cancer's sweet tooth.

Low fat vs. low carb diet plans.

Benefits of the salad and salmon diet.

New Menus and Recipes

Implementing the diet.

Other diets we use.

Frequently asked questions