How does Dr. Hoffman treat osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis, one of the most common conditions associated with aging, is characterized by excessive loss of bone density. Holes or pores are formed as bone tissue is lost, increasing the risk of fracture and considerable pain and debilitation. Without healthy bones, fractures may occur during normal activities. Over the years, some osteoporosis patients experience multiple spine fractures, resulting in a curving of the spine and a hunched over appearance. Key risk factors for osteoporosis include family history and genetic factors, lack of exercise, malabsorption, use of certain medications, calcium and/or vitamin D deficiency, personal history of fracture as an adult, cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and low body weight or thin stature..

Dr. Hoffman believes that, in many cases, while judicious use of drugs is sometimes needed, nutrition, dietary changes, supplementation, and where appropriate, use of bio-identical hormones are essential to prevent bone loss and maintain bone health. In many cases, even without reliance on medication, bone loss can be halted and bone density can restored to normal levels.

What results can you expect from osteoporosis treatment? Depending on the severity of your condition, our program can enable your conventional medications to work better; they may be partially tapered; or, in the best case scenario, they may be discontinued altogether.

Depending on your condition, some or all of the tests, supplements or therapies described here will be employed in treating you, or others may be ordered. Care at the Hoffman Center is highly individualized, and no two patients are alike.

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An example of our osteoporosis treatment program is described below.

DEXA scan from your PCP or Endocrinologist, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, alakaline phosphatase, parathyroid hormone, ionized calcium and magnesium, anti-gliadin antibodies, transglutaminase and endomyselial antibodies (celiac panel), IgG RAST food panel, NTX urine, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and Adrenal Stress Profile (cortisol).

Anti-inflammatory Protocol tailored to food intolerances

Strontium, MK-7, Vitamin D, Osteosupport, Fish Oil, Lycopene, Digestive Enzymes, DHEA, B12, Methylcobalamin, Methylfolate

Bio-identical estrogen, progesterone, and/or testosterone

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Read Important articles about osteoporosis:

Ostera, A Novel Approach to Osteoporosis

Serious Concerns Over Osteoporosis Drugs

Natural approach to preventing osteoporosis

Strontium for bone health

Vitamin D