Prior to your first visit

We at Dr. Hoffman's Practice want to treat patients who are well-informed about our orientation to medicine. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the material on this website, especially the section on Medical Conditions, to acquaint yourself with the approach we might take to your condition. Additionally, you may want to read one of Dr. Hoffman's books, especially Intelligent Medicine, which summarizes Dr. Hoffman's philosophy, and contains a summary of his methods for dealing with a wide variety of medical problems. And, avail yourself of the opportunity to hear Dr. Hoffman apply his personal approach to an array of health issues on his radio program, Health Talk.

Find out about the details of making a first visit by calling the appointment desk at Dr. Hoffman's Practice at 212-779-1744 press 0. You can speak to one of our courteous and well-informed administrative staff about the logistics of becoming a patient. If a question should arise about the suitability of your condition for intervention at Dr. Hoffman's Practice, you may be referred to a nurse or a physician assistant who can determine if your concerns will find a match with our capabilities. It is our goal to undertake your care only when there is a reasonable probability of meeting your goals, since misalignment of patient-doctor expectations is a major source of dissatisfaction within conventional medicine.

To save time on your first visit, you will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires and sign some paperwork which will be mailed to you ahead of time. Please take the time to fill out the forms completely prior to coming to the office to avoid delaying your appointment. You will be given instructions on whether to fast, depending on your condition and the time of your appointment.

To make the most of your first appointment, please bring all available and relevant medical records. If in doubt, bring along all your test results and consultation reports and we will prioritize what will be germane to your care at Dr. Hoffman's Practice. Please bring the addresses of all physicians you currently see, in case we need to obtain records from their offices. In addition, please bring a complete list of the nutritional supplements you take, with exact ingredients (If in doubt, bring the supplements themselves). Wear comfortable clothing, and bring something to read. Our aim is to make your comprehensive visit as comfortable an experience as possible, while we learn as much about how to help you as we can.

Your initial visit to the practice

Our services

Our fees

Prior to your first visit

Health Conditions and Concerns

Some of our success stories